Process Mapping Activities

Business Process Mapping Activities
Adding an Activity in ProcessPro

Process Mapping Activities in ProcessPro

Activities are the building blocks of process mapping in ProcessPro. Each activity creates a step within the overall process you’re building and is displayed visually as well as with written instructions.

Using activities is an efficient way to build process maps. Simply select the activity type – approval, standard, or automation – and assign a team member for that role, ensuring someone is responsible for every step within the process. Create activities to build the map further. Processes that divert into multiple channels can become Gateways.

With Process Mapping Activities, you can also:

  • Provide internal and external links for easy navigation,
  • Link to documents and images with quick view options,
  • Convert a single activity to a process automatically,
  • Attach Notes and Warnings to reduce tasks attached to activities,
  • Create ordered task lists within an activity,
  • Request feedback and further info on a single activity,
  • Switch the visual display from Swimlane to Embedded Roles.


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